Villa Bugis contact numbers | Whatsapp: +62 81 236 832 838 | Office: +62 (361) 8476760 | Email :


    Villa Name

    Guest Name for the Booking:
    check out:
    Booking process
    Please describe the highlights of the booking process (anything neglected by the staff or something done well by the staff)
    Airport Greeting and Transportation What were the highlights of the airport transfer experience (anything neglected by the staff or something done well by the staff) Arrival & Check-in Please describe highlights of the arrival and check-In process (anything neglected by the staff or something done well by the staff) Housekeeping & Maintenance Please describe highlights of housekeeping and maintenance (anything neglected by the staff or something done well by the staff) Breakfast Service or other food and beverage services utilized Please describe the highlights of the breakfast service (anything neglected by the staff or something done well by the staff) In Villa Entertainment Please let us know what in Villa Entertainment you used and your opinion or recommendation for future
    Cable TV
    What Channels did you usually watch?
    Home Theater
    What did you usually use on this?
    Smart TV
    What apps did you use on this?
    What other types did you use?
    Overall Stay - Please rate your overall stay on a range bellow - 5 stars being a great stay! We aim to provide 5 star services to you!

    What did you think of the villa in General? Did you have any other issues or areas you would like to highlight during your stay? Please let us know any other comments you have - the good, the bad, and the ugly!
    I would like to discuss extending my stay for 30% off!
    I would like to discuss booking my next stay to receive an extra discount!
    I would like to know more about sponsoring a Balinese child with Damara (for only AU$150 a year!)
    (100% of the AU$150 goes to the childs schooling - there are no overheads with Damara!)

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